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Meet The Cast of Love Decanted – Peter

“20 Questions” with Peter

  1. Where would you go on a second date?

Good question. It would depend on how the first date went, what we did, and what she liked, but I could see a nice walk along the waterfront, followed by a coffee or a glass of wine.

  1. What makes you laugh?

My sons, especially some of the things they say when left to their own devices. I remember Alex, my youngest, telling Anthony, my oldest, he wanted to be just like him when he grew up. Anthony looked at him, as if he had two heads, and said, “I’m only seven, you know.” I’d have to throw Dom in the mix because he’s always good for a laugh, or two or three.

  1. What is your favourite piece of clothing?

It depends what I’m doing. If I’m lounging at home, it would be anything comfortable like my jeans and a golf shirt, or anything sporty. If I’m working, I like to to look the part, so a suit with a nice pair of shoes.

  1. What wine has left the greatest impression on you?

The bottle of Domaine Nicolas Croze, a Côtes du Rhône I had in Paris. A Château de Fargues from Sauternes would be a close second.

  1. What is your favourite food and wine pairing?

Although I’m still new to wine, my favourite has to be something from Côtes du Rhône. From what I’ve learned so far, it would have to be paired with something hearty, like a steak or a big pasta dish. Barolo’s starting to grow on me, too.

  1. What did you want to be growing up?

A professional athlete. I was a pretty good in most sports, but my passion was football, or soccer, as they say here.

  1. What is one of your pet peeves?

When the boys smear jam, peanut butter, and whatever else on the fridge door handles.

  1. What is your favourite season?

Definitely the fall. I love the smells, the cool weather, the fresh mornings, especially when I’m out early for a long bike ride, the amazing colors. There’s something serene and comforting about that time of the year.

  1. What are three of your core values?

Honesty, respect, and trust. If I could add a couple more, they would be acceptance and genuineness.

  1. If you were an animal, what would it be and why?

That’s a tough one. How amazing would it be to fly, like an eagle or a hawk? And, I’m not sure why, but I’ve always admired horses for their strength and perceptiveness. They just seem to sense things, including about people.

  1. What’s your dream vacation?

Exploring anywhere new. There’s something liberating and exciting about venturing out on a limb, so to speak. It’s even better when shared with a loved one. My sons are starting to acquire the travel bug, which I love and encourage.

  1. What is your favourite sport?

Soccer, but I’ve always been a fan of endurance car racing, especially the 24 Hours of Le Mans. I’ve always been fascinated by the merging of art and science, and motorsports provides a perfect forum for this.

  1. What was your nickname in high school?

The cat.

  1. What is your favourite texture?

I’ve always liked the feel of leather, but velvet’s also nice, as is the feel of silky hair.

  1. What is your favourite smell/aroma?

I’d have to say freshly cut cedar, ground coffee, and rosemary.

  1. What is your favourite taste?

A good coffee is hard to beat, but a combination of sweet and salty is a close second

  1. What is your favourite swear word?

It’s a toss up between che palle, which means what the eff, and asshole, dummy, shitball. You can ask my mother about that one, which, allegedly, is something I wrote in a letter to some kid at school, when I was eight

  1. Name one person you admired growing up.

My parents. I know that’s two, but my father was a work horse and a provider, and would do anything for us. My mother gave us all the love and support we needed.

  1. What was your first car?

A 1976 Volvo station wagon painted safety orange and nicknamed Juice. My father brought it home one day, along with a second Volvo. Apparently, one of his construction friends offered him a deal he couldn’t refuse. It proved to be a pretty solid car once we repaired the hole in the gas tank.

  1. What is the wildest thing you have done?

Dom and I streaked across a soccer field on a dare. You should’ve seen the ref’s face.

  1. What are you most afraid of?

Taking another spearing. My marriage didn’t end well.

  1. What makes you cringe?

The smell of rotten potatoes. I had a colleague in graduate school, who, for some reason, kept a bag of potatoes in a locked cupboard. Apparently, this is what he ate. Go figure. Anyway, while he was away for a month, a foul stench began to emanate from the cupboard, but none of us had the key. When we broke the door open, the potatoes had liquefied. I’m starting to feel queasy thinking about it.

  1. What is your favourite song?

Thanks for changing the topic. It would have to be Fall at Your Feet, originally by Crowded House, and remade by Jesse Cook, a truly amazing musician. If you ever get the chance to hear the acoustic version with Chris Church on vocals, take it with both hands.

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